
Connect Multiple Channels And Get Values

If there are multiple channels to connect, using searchw() might not be efficient, because it connects each channel sequentially. A better approach is to create the channels and flush the search request at once.

from CaChannel import ca, CaChannel
chans = {pvname: CaChannel(pvname) for pvname in ['pv1', 'pv2', 'pv3', ...]}
for chan in chans.values():
# call pend_io on either of the channels and the it will flush the requests and wait for completion
# if connection does not complete in 10 seconds, CaChannelException is raised with status ca.ECA_TIMEOUT
# if the previous pend_io succeed without exception, we can issue the read request
for chan in chans.values():
# again call pend_io to wait the read requests to succeed or timeout
# if the previous pend_io succeed without exception, the values can be retrieved with getValue
for chan in chans.values():

Connect Multiple Channels And Monitor Changes

Similiar to the above recipe, but instead of reading the values once, here is to monitor the value changes.

from CaChannel import ca, CaChannel

# value change callback
def monitor_callback(epics_arg, user_arg):
    chan = user_arg[0]
    value = epics_arg['pv_value']
    print(, value)

# in the connection callback we will subscribe for value changes
def connection_callback(epics_arg, user_arg):
    chan = user_arg[0]
    if epics_arg[1] == ca.CA_OP_CONN_UP:
        chan.add_masked_array_event(None, None, None, monitor_callback, chan)

# create channels and connect asynchronously
chans = {pvname: CaChannel(pvname) for pvname in ['pv1', 'pv2', 'pv3', ...]}
for chan in chans.values():
    chan.search_and_connect(None, connection_callback, chan)
# flush the channel connection requests

# because the callbacks happen in auxiliary threads, the main thread
# is free to do other important stuff, like sleep 10 seconds ;)

Get String of Enum

from CaChannel import ca, CaChannel
chan = CaChannel('myEnumPV')

Get Control Information

from CaChannel import ca, CaChannel
chan = CaChannel('myPV')

Get Wavefrom as Numpy Array

  • At function level

    from CaChannel import ca, CaChannel
    chan = CaChanne('myWaveformPV')
  • At module level

    import CaChannel
    CaChannel.USE_NUMPY = True
    chan = CaChannel.CaChanne('myWaveformPV')